The other day I read this article in the New York Times about people who believe untrue things despite strong evidence to the contrary. In addition to this, people read chain emails and scam pages on social networking sites and believe them without asking questions about the veracity of the claims. I recently received an […]
Bacteria, Oil, Viruses, Crackpots, and the Great America
Can spending time outdoors make you a calmer, smarter person? What about classrooms – should they include time outside? According to this article on Science Daily’s website, yes. They say that there’s a bacteria that there is a bacteria commonly found in soil that people often breathe in or ingest, and that when this bacteria […]
Automotive Bailout Problems
As I write this, I’m watching Meet the Press that I recorded earlier. The topic of the day is the potential bailout of the US auto industry and T. Boone Pickens’ energy plan. And I bet I’m not the only one absolutely sick of hearing about corporate bailouts. And plenty of people who know that […]
Huge Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses
It’s a couple of weeks old, but I don’t think it has gotten the attention it deserves. We really should be paying more attention to events like this. Please take a look. Huge Chunk Of Antarctic Ice Collapses
Why I do not support Hillary
I wish I could support Hillary Clinton for President. Not only do I think the time has come for the USA to be governed by a woman, I think someone with her values could be very valuable to our country. However, since she was criticised for her role (and input) in the health care reformation […]
Lowering Our Carbon Footprint, part 2
Earlier this year I wrote about how Jerry and I have bought an engine-less lawnmower in Lowering Our Carbon Footprint, part 1. I guess the next logical thing to write about is the car. Since we live in Wisconsin, it’s nearly impossible to fill up a hydrogen, biodiesel, or other alternate-fuel using car. Jerry had […]
Lowering our Carbon Footprint, #1
In response to Live Earth, I thought I would post some of the things we have done to lower our impact on the Earth. This post is about the most recent thing we’ve done, replacing our old gasoline-powered lawnmower with a person-powered push mower. This was a good idea for us for a couple of reasons. […]
Future, Past, and Present
Everything I’ve ever done with myself has been a complete waste of time. No – I take that back. It’s just that very few of the things I’ve done have had a positive contribution to who I am now. And most of the things I’ve done that sucked have been highly significant parts of my […]
You say you want a revolution?
I hear people contemplate change on a large scale often. Change in American foreign policy, domestic policy, environmental policy, etc. There are many ways we are supposed to be able to do this, like writing to your elected representatives (including the President), staging nonviolent protests, writing letters to the local paper, and forming organizations to […]
Interesting car
This looks like where the future of cars may be going . . . eventually. But starting at $100,000 it’s not bound to attract too many middle or low class consumers. I’m still interested in learning about the ideas behind it and its application to less expensive models.