I wish I could support Hillary Clinton for President. Not only do I think the time has come for the USA to be governed by a woman, I think someone with her values could be very valuable to our country. However, since she was criticised for her role (and input) in the health care reformation […]
To whoever dug us out of the remaining snow on our sidewalks and driveway with a snowblower, I say thanks. We were in no shape to do shoveling again. I had no idea that shoveling could make your hands sore. I knew my whole body would hurt, but not my hands. Thanks.
The young and the ignorant
I wish I had something better to say about the recent accident that killed two students at my sister’s school, one student at another school, and left another one in the hospital. It’s very tragic. I’ll link you up to the news stories: http://blogs.jsonline.com/nichols/archive/2007/11/28/ntsb-interested-in-i-43-crash.aspx http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22013658/ http://www.wisn.com/news/14704785/detail.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22103779/ It looks like there are some key lessons […]