Bad Religion @ Summerfest

July 7, 2013 Bad Religion plays Summerfest. It rocked. And I finally got to prove to Jerry how awesome they are live. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Bad Religion”] See, I saw them in 1995 (oh my god that was 18 years ago!!!!) when they opened for Pearl Jam. And I was blown away at how amazing they […]

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Jamnesty (January 20, 2008)

It was January in Wisconsin and we froze to see people play music in support of Amnesty International. Here’s a clip of Martin Moore and Brian Farvour (both from The Identity Theft) with Jerry Locke and Gary Gilstrap playing The Identity Theft‘s new song 1:45. It rocked! This is the song that Jerry and co. ended their set with. […]

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What do Amnesty International, the Packers, and the “scene” have in common?

So there was this show last night. A benefit show for GHS’s local chapter of Amnesty International, the Packer game was (unfortunately) scheduled to be played at the same time. So they brought TVs in to play the game so people wouldn’t have to miss it. I understand that many people are way more passionate […]

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So I went to see Jeremy Enigk play almost a year ago.  After the show, I snatched a setlist and wanted to post it, but it got lost in the shuffle of daily madness until tonight.  Here is the setlist!!!!  Jeremy Enigk Setlist See my original posts on the show here and here.

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Oh, Henry!

We saw Henry Rollins do his spoken word thing tonight at the Rave.  It was amazing!  Henry spoke for three hours – if only the Rave had seating that didn’t bruise your tailbone! Let me take you back to the beginning of my Rollins experiences.  It was the early ’90’s and MTV still (sometimes – […]

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Cadillac’s attempt at cool

I was watching tv today and saw an ad with one of my favorite songs from the ’90’s in it.  Cadillac has apparently just discovered a band that broke up years ago . . . HUM.  They were one of my favorite bands for quite a while, with two albums, “Downward is Heavenward” and “You’d […]

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Here are my picks for having a good time at Summerfest this year: Thursday, June 28 11 pm, Violent Femmes, Miller Lite Oasis – it’s the Violent Femmes for god’s sake! Go! Friday, June 29 10 pm, Silversun Pickups, US Cellular Connection Stage – I’ve heard the Silversun Pickups disc called “the best album the […]

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The videos were taken with my camera phone, so they kind of suck, visually, but the sound quality is surprisingly good for such a small device. Not to mention the fact that I was standing right next to the stage. What a great night! Carnival Lewis Hollow Explain Set it on Fire

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