Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved to go to the zoo. The animals are cute and funny, and I learn new things with every visit. I’m also struck by nostalgia every time I go there. I remember the gorilla Samson and how I thought he was the best. And my complete love affair […]
Madison, WI Budget Repair Bill Protests
As you may know, I live in Wisconsin. I love this state. We have some great cities, some wonderful wilderness, and typically friendly people. We are fortunate enough to be able to enjoy all four seasons. But we just got a new governor and he is taking some actions of which many of us don’t […]
Irrational Beliefs
The other day I read this article in the New York Times about people who believe untrue things despite strong evidence to the contrary. In addition to this, people read chain emails and scam pages on social networking sites and believe them without asking questions about the veracity of the claims. I recently received an […]
Bacteria, Oil, Viruses, Crackpots, and the Great America
Can spending time outdoors make you a calmer, smarter person? What about classrooms – should they include time outside? According to this article on Science Daily’s website, yes. They say that there’s a bacteria that there is a bacteria commonly found in soil that people often breathe in or ingest, and that when this bacteria […]
Security, Education, and Brain Damage
Here’s an article reviewing one of the best free antivirus programs available. There’s no excuse for leaving yourself open to viruses, worms, and other digital nasties! We all know there are plenty of problems with our education system overall. But when it comes to figuring out how to fix things, most of us just throw […]
Sad Franklin on Constitution Day, Interesting Nature Photos, Health Care and more
It’s Constitution Day! And all of Philadelphia’s libraries may be closing as soon as October 2nd. I can just see Benjamin Franklin rolling over in his grave. It’s a sad day when one of the institutions that helped form our society (and remains a necessary service) can be neglected in this way. On the flipside, […]
Modesty, Flipping Pages Online, Showering into Sickness, and a (hopefully!) Good Read
It’s not often that we acknowledge how much we owe our success to others and sincerely express gratitude. David Brooks offers up a fine example of America at its best, with grand achievements and modesty to spare. Sick of reading boring news feeds? Try Google’s new Fast Flip. With an interface closer to that of […]
Can we afford to keep ourselves healthy?
Last year, when I was diagnosed (again) with bipolar disorder, I didn’t have to worry about the price of my medication. Though I didn’t have health insurance, the county I live in was able to finance most of my medications and doctor visits. My payments were quite affordable and I was thankful for the taxes […]
Please Help Me Understand!!!
I’m interested in understanding different viewpoints on our country’s issues. I’m confused about the economy and what’s happened over the last 6-9 months. Last year, under the leadership of GW Bush, our country passed some bailout of about $750 million dollars that went to major banks and businesses that were in trouble. We’re giving help […]
Race Issue?
I just watched some news coverage of the conviction of former alderman Michael McGee, Jr. I understand that he is charismatic and has a large following in the city of Milwaukee – not just in his district. The reporter interviewed some people outside the courthouse. There were two women (both African-American) supporting McGee. They seemed […]
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