Once, I rushed my (fairly) new car to Midas and begged them to fix my car because the check engine light was on. They took one look at the car and suggested I take it to the dealership to get taken care of for free under the warranty. I felt like a complete idiot. But, […]
Please Help Me Understand!!!
I’m interested in understanding different viewpoints on our country’s issues. I’m confused about the economy and what’s happened over the last 6-9 months. Last year, under the leadership of GW Bush, our country passed some bailout of about $750 million dollars that went to major banks and businesses that were in trouble. We’re giving help […]
Race Issue?
I just watched some news coverage of the conviction of former alderman Michael McGee, Jr. I understand that he is charismatic and has a large following in the city of Milwaukee – not just in his district. The reporter interviewed some people outside the courthouse. There were two women (both African-American) supporting McGee. They seemed […]
Softening Stiff, Scratchy Fabric
A while back, we bought a set of sheets that felt soft at the store, but had a lower thread count than we usually buy. We brought them home, washed them, and slept on them. Quickly, we learned that these sheets weren’t washing well and were not as soft as they first seemed. So I […]
It’s been too long …
Since the last post, I believe it’s been cold nearly every day. There were no tornadoes in Wisconsin this January, thankfully. I’ve learned to knit. I never knew just how fun knitting could be. I actually knit most (if not all) of the presents I gave away for christmas this year. I knit an iPod […]
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