By now you’re likely familiar with the fact that I post photos on ViewBug. And that I’ve received a couple awards in the last few months. I’m glad to announce I’ve got another award! They awarded me with “Brilliant” this time. That seems generous, but I’m flattered and thankful for any recognition. And, of course, […]
Beauty Products – Reviewed!
You may have noticed this image on the right side of my blog: It’s a pretty cool website where you can review products and learn from others’ reviews. They deemed me worthy of a box of products to review. So here I am… with reviews! The products were hit or miss for me. I received […]
A Week in Songs
I recently began a journaling exercise. At the end of the day I describe my feelings for the day in a song. I think some of the results are interesting – in many ways. Sometimes the songs have several different aspects to them but I cling to one particular theme that sticks with me more […]
So now that it’s spring, some things are growing (!) in the gardens. Here are just a couple photos.
Save Your Basement
We’ve been getting a lot of rain this week. A lot. And we’ve had lots of rain before. And there has been flooding in our basement in the past. 🙁 So our alderperson sent out an email with tips on how to protect your basement from water damage. It’s not guaranteed to alleviate ALL water, […]
New Name!
I was listening to one of my favorite bands tonight, Bad Religion. In the song “All There Is”, a couple lines struck me: “In my rectory of doubt I kneel to pray like one devout”. As I’ve been unhappy with my blog’s name for a long time and always been looking to find a more […]
I won an award!
So, y’all know that I like to take pictures, right? Well one of my photos won an award at! Yay!
Creative Nail Polish Fix
Yesterday I tried a very light “smoke” colored (it’s really kind of a pearly iridescent white) nail polish. This was the second time I tried it, and the first time it came out horribly. This time I managed to make it look presentable – mostly. I had two nails (one on each hand) that came […]
Snowy River
It occurred to me the other day that I haven’t taken any pictures of the river after a snow in a while… if ever. I honestly can’t remember taking these kind of pictures before, though I know it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while. So off we went to my favorite local picture-taking […]
Some CrowdTap Goodies!
Click here to enter to win a trip to Boston: Click here to enter to win a trip to New York to see Newsies (the musical): Click here to enter to win a Droid Razr M prize package: Share this to donate $1 to fight childhood cancer: Some Walmart savings:
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