The Good Guy by Dean Koontz My rating: 3 of 5 stars I haven’t read too much by Mr. Koontz, but keep getting recommendations to read his work. This one wasn’t specifically recommended but it was available as an e-audiobook through the library and that’s what I wanted. So I thought I’d give it a […]
Note to self: Just buy the brand name bandages!
When you’re accident prone like I am, you have to have a good supply of bandages in the medicine cabinet. Or, in my case, medicine shelf… but that’s another story! See, I’m bandaging my finger right now because there’s a section of skin that keeps cracking open. It started as a paper cut. It almost […]
Princesses… more princesses… ugh
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale My rating: 2 of 5 stars I haven’t read the original story, but my volume of Grimm’s Fairy Tales is marked so I can read it later. But reading this as a fairy tale retelling, I can say that it is a lovely story complete with dainty princesses and […]
Listening in fragments – an issue?
With the technological changes in the music industry over the last 20 years have come changes in listening purchasing habits. And I suspect some interesting changes in the world of fans. I never really purchased vinyl. I was buying cassettes in the 80’s and CD’s in the 90’s. Unlike many people I knew, I never […]
Secret Santa
It’s my first time in years being part of an office where there’s a “Secret Santa” exchange. So I decided to participate. My recipient is getting a great gift (according to me at least)… for less than ten bucks I got a to-go mug ($4), tea ($3.50), a small purple photo frame ($1), and a […]
A new photo – Catching
Take a look on 500px and give me some love… a thumbs up or a favorite will do! And on ViewBug…
A journey begins with
A decision. Sometimes that decision needs to be facilitated by some outside force, a push, maybe, that starts things rolling. I visited my doctor in September and shared my difficulties dealing with the weight that I’ve gained and my frustration at not being able to lose any of it. If you’ve been reading this long […]
The Heat of the Moon by Sandra Parshall
The Heat of the Moon by Sandra Parshall My rating: 2 of 5 stars I think I can understand all the positive reviews. The story was good. It was gripping and engaging. But I really had issues with some aspects. It was written in 2006. As far as I can see, the pub date and […]
Bad Religion @ Summerfest
July 7, 2013 Bad Religion plays Summerfest. It rocked. And I finally got to prove to Jerry how awesome they are live. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”3″ gal_title=”Bad Religion”] See, I saw them in 1995 (oh my god that was 18 years ago!!!!) when they opened for Pearl Jam. And I was blown away at how amazing they […]
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