There’s nothing like sitting in front of your TV at 4AM, watching Carrie Underwood sing about some cheating boyfriend with your laptop making you warm when you’ve spent all night putting together a website. I’m dead tired and ’bout ready to go to sleep. I think I just might have to get outside, though, so […]
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Vista :(
My computer is unable to handle MS Vista. Jerry tried, but the only person he found on the Internet who had a computer similar to mine that successfully installed Vista was using a version only available to MSDN users . . . of which we are not. Oh, well. Maybe the next release will go. […]
Windows Vista RC1
I am so excited (and such a geek)! I’m doing everything in my power to install the new version of Windows on my machine. I’m removing programs that I didn’t know I had, updating my BIOS (okay I’ve got the hubby doing that because his explanation of how to made absolutely no sense). And hopefully […]
MySpace is crazy
I mean to say that MySpace is really crazy. You can get messages from people you really don’t know. That sucks. I got one recently from some guy on the east coast who is apparently my age. The message went something like this: Hi – I was looking at your profile and I liked what […]
This is really funny