History: I’ve had allergies all of my life. I have had sinus problems all my life. I’ve spent way too much time around various kinds of smoke in various situations. Consequently, I’ve developed one of the most congested and infected sinus cavities on the planet (at least, by my estimation). I routinely have problems sleeping and, […]
People tell me time and time again that nausea and other forms of upset stomach are not part of influenza. What I really think they mean is that being sick-to-your-stomach is not “having the flu”. I just had two of the worst days of my life. Between the nausea and other unmentionable stomach pains, the […]
Reality TV – the new RPG?
Now I never really played role-playing games myself. Those were more the exclusive realm of boys than football was. The games themselves seem to be interesting enough. You build a character in an imaginary world where incredible things are possible. Then you devise ways to make your character interact with other players’ characters within the […]
What’s the point?
After reading this blog post about Blogging Your Passion, I realize I should probably make some statement of intent. I suppose most people keep one of these for one reason in particular. This can involve keeping family and friends up to date, connecting with your professional associates, critiquing politics and society, promoting your business, making […]
Juneteenth Day
I heard on the news this morning that it’s Juneteenth Day today. They were talking about the riots that broke out last year at the celebrations and how the police are trying to avoid that this year. They showed video of last year’s celebrations and Juneteenth Day parade and explained that the parade starts at 10AM […]
My Favorite Restaurant in the World
It’s Bruschetta & Co. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Apparently, I’m sensitive. This should come as no surprise to me, since people have been telling me that since I was too young to understand how being “sensitive” set me apart from others, but I can’t help feeling that I’ve come to some sort of revelation. I never really thought that I was more sensitive […]
Think I’ve figured out why I haven’t enjoyed using the gym so much. I haven’t been swimming. So, now I’ve swum 1000 yards three times and I’m oh so happy. It feels so good. I’m beginning to think I need to up the ante already, but I am unsure about how much. I used Swimplan.com […]
Future, Past, and Present
Everything I’ve ever done with myself has been a complete waste of time. No – I take that back. It’s just that very few of the things I’ve done have had a positive contribution to who I am now. And most of the things I’ve done that sucked have been highly significant parts of my […]
Active Slacking
I feel like such a slacker since I quit my job. But I feel so FREEEEEE! What could be more blissful than not having to be anywhere – ever! And I have never been so productive at home. Did you ever go through a pile of papers to find some that were dated to eight […]