I got the prescription. No way am I going to let the insurance company tell me what I can and can’t take. I also wrote a page and a half letter to my company’s VP of HR. And she’s going to keep getting letters until I hear from someone. And my company is not small […]
Fucking Insurance Companies
Went to the pharmacy today to pick up a prescription. Found out they don’t cover it and the pharmacy wants $110 dollars. I ask them to hold it for me, in hopes that it’s some kind of misunderstanding with the insurance company, and make my way towards home to give them a call. After speaking […]
I’m trying to balance my checkbook, pay bills, etc. in a room that’s so cluttered I can’t think straight. I can’t get over how the environment I’m in can affect my emotions. Just sitting here is making me nervous and shaky. Normally I’m not so fragile when it comes to this. And it stresses me […]
I’ve always wanted to open my resume up like this:…
I’ve always wanted to open my resume up like this:Objective: To find a place where idealism mixes with cynicism to produce a hopeful but lighthearted environment. A place that takes its work seriously enough to make sure it is done well, but acknowledges the fact that its work is not essential to the continuation of […]
Chiropractic fun
Last week I had my first visit with my chiropractor at the Chiropractic Company. She took xrays and some sort of digital scan of my back. I’m not in good shape. The first two vertebrae in my neck are fused together – something that’s probably been that way since I was born. My neck curves […]
Movies while you drive
So I’m driving home from the store today and what do I see in front of me? A car with four TV screens playing the same video. Two are in the backseat and two in the front seats, in the visors I presume. We couldn’t believe our eyes. What kind of moron would put people’s […]
Bush #1 Villain of 2006
Wow – what more can I say?
Saddam . . . hanged
I think that any human life lost is a tragedy. Even those who have done evil. Everyone has friends, family, and loved ones. We have all done evil. However, sometimes a tragedy like a human life being lost is of less concern than the tragedy created by the human life that’s being eliminated. If this […]
Soymilk = immediate regurgitation reflex?
Okay – this is weird. I tried soymilk in the grocery store one day when they were doing the free sample thing. It tasted different (obviously), but within thirty seconds I was gagging and trying to not throw up in the middle of the frozen aisle. I thought, “Never again”. It felt horrible. So the […]
I’m sick of being sick. Congested, coughing, nauseous, yuck. I’m sick of it. Tired, not sleeping enough because I have weird hours at work. Yuck. Sick of it all. (That was a band, wasn’t it?) Second thought – it looks like they’re still a band (www. sickofitall.com). Sick of my hubby traveling and having to […]