When you’re accident prone like I am, you have to have a good supply of bandages in the medicine cabinet. Or, in my case, medicine shelf… but that’s another story! See, I’m bandaging my finger right now because there’s a section of skin that keeps cracking open. It started as a paper cut. It almost […]
Save Your Basement
We’ve been getting a lot of rain this week. A lot. And we’ve had lots of rain before. And there has been flooding in our basement in the past. 🙁 So our alderperson sent out an email with tips on how to protect your basement from water damage. It’s not guaranteed to alleviate ALL water, […]
Softening Stiff, Scratchy Fabric
A while back, we bought a set of sheets that felt soft at the store, but had a lower thread count than we usually buy. We brought them home, washed them, and slept on them. Quickly, we learned that these sheets weren’t washing well and were not as soft as they first seemed. So I […]
Lowering our Carbon Footprint, #1
In response to Live Earth, I thought I would post some of the things we have done to lower our impact on the Earth. This post is about the most recent thing we’ve done, replacing our old gasoline-powered lawnmower with a person-powered push mower. This was a good idea for us for a couple of reasons. […]
We’ve got some partially decomposed yard waste (don’t even ask how – it’s too embarrassing a story) and instead of throwing it away, I thought we might compost it and make it do good. Our municipality picks up “yard waste” as an individual item, seperate from trash and recyclables. Does that mean they have some […]
Active Slacking
I feel like such a slacker since I quit my job. But I feel so FREEEEEE! What could be more blissful than not having to be anywhere – ever! And I have never been so productive at home. Did you ever go through a pile of papers to find some that were dated to eight […]
I’m trying to balance my checkbook, pay bills, etc. in a room that’s so cluttered I can’t think straight. I can’t get over how the environment I’m in can affect my emotions. Just sitting here is making me nervous and shaky. Normally I’m not so fragile when it comes to this. And it stresses me […]