A couple months ago, I wrote about our new cat, Ninja, and how he was adjusting to his new home. Now I have proof he is completely adjusted. See the pics for proof!
Very Cute Kitty Sounds
Our new kitty, Ninja, is starting to really get comfortable here after a week and a half. He’s making some very cute sounds unlike sounds I’ve heard from other cats. Here’s a sample. (You may need to turn the sound up on your speakers and listen carefully.)
New (to us) kitty!
Since our old sweetie, Isaac, passed on recently, there has been an empty space in the house. Being a regular PetSmart shopper, I often stop to look at the cats they have available for adoption. Recently I saw this adorable orange tabby (yes, I have a soft spot for them) and asked to meet him. […]
Cats Love Christmas!
The cats seem to really have fallen in love with the Christmas decorations and the clean living room! Powered by DM PhotoAlbums™ Full Screen
Another Album Moved!
I’ve moved another album to this site. This one’s very small – and perhaps badly named, since I anticipated adding more pictures to it. Who knows – maybe there will be more to come. Powered by DM PhotoAlbums™ Full Screen
Unrelated: Adorable Dogs and a Funny Article about Michael Phelps
For a laugh-out-loud experience, please visit this Runner’s World article now! Now, on to the adorable dogs. Jerry and I have been considering, for quite some time, the adoption of a needful dog as a final (for now) addition to our small menagerie. Today, I think we found the breed we are looking for. One […]
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